I’m an Advocate — and an Activist: Amanda M. Vail

Amanda M. Vail writes that to her, activism "means forming opinions and being willing to have open, honest, and respectful discussions about them." Image courtesy Amanda M. Vail.
Amanda M. Vail writes that to her, activism "means forming opinions and being willing to have open, honest, and respectful discussions about them." Image courtesy Amanda M. Vail.
...also requires awareness of current political issues, and a bit of research about the history, context, and potential ramifications of legislative actions. I’ve also found that I need to sift...

Connecting the Dots Between Homelessness and Health

A doctor checks on a young patient. Health care professionals and service providers are building partnerships to help ensure that all families -- including those who experience homelessness -- get access to the care they need. Image courtesy Building Changes via Seattle University School of Theology & Ministry.
A doctor checks on a young patient. Health care professionals and service providers are building partnerships to help ensure that all families -- including those who experience homelessness -- get access to the care they need. Image courtesy Building Changes via Seattle University School of Theology & Ministry.
...families, they opted to hold on to their vehicle and the little bit of security and freedom it still offers them; they can keep their stuff relatively safe, and get...

No Family to Turn to: After Foster Care, Many Youth Face Homelessness

AmeriCorps members, YMCA staff, and participants in the YMCA Member Ambassador Committee pose for a mid-hike photo at Washington Park Arboretum. Pictured left to right: Marja Morgan, Katie Swanson, Parisa Ghebleh, Kevin Hale, Rosie Cullen, Peter Benson, and Samuel Seguido. Photo courtesy Marja Morgan.
AmeriCorps members, YMCA staff, and participants in the YMCA Member Ambassador Committee pose for a mid-hike photo at Washington Park Arboretum. Pictured left to right: Marja Morgan, Katie Swanson, Parisa Ghebleh, Kevin Hale, Rosie Cullen, Peter Benson, and Samuel Seguido. Photo courtesy Marja Morgan.
...on a whim, she traveled from foreign land to foreign land. Her sense of adventure impressed me, and even made me a bit jealous; I aspire to be so courageous....
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