
“I Feel Like Seattle May Be Kicking Me Out”

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Law student Josh loves Seattle, but rising rent prices make him doubt whether he'll be able to continue living in the city. The lack of affordable housing is a crisis not only in Seattle, but also in many communities across the state. Do you want to live in a community where everybody has the opportunity to live in a safe, healthy, affordable home? Then prepare to take action as we head into the state legislative session, which begins on Jan. 11. We share how.

What Will You Do to Help End Homelessness?

Joshua Holland pledges to use his talents to help end homelessness. He was one of hundreds of community members who joined All Home's Nov. 17 event.
Joshua Holland pledges to use his talents to help end homelessness. He was one of hundreds of community members who joined All Home's Nov. 17 event.
What are you passionate about? What are you good at? Take answers to those questions and find a way to get involved for life. This was Facing Homelessness founder Rex Hohlbein's advice to an energized crowd last night at a community event hosted by All Home.

Helping Survivors of Domestic Violence: A “Cyber-Advocate’s” Story

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"Domestic violence is a global pandemic. One person cannot stop it alone, but each of us can do something to make a difference. Everyone can be an advocate, learning the facts, the realities that victims deal with, and talking with family or friends, breaking the silence," writes Firesteel intern Carissa Daniels. In this inspiring post, Carissa writes about her volunteer work as a "cyber-advocate" for survivors of domestic violence.

From Victim to Survivor to Advocate

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We all have a lot of advocacy to do to ensure that all community members -- including survivors of domestic violence -- have the opportunity to live in a safe, healthy, affordable home. To inspire you to take action, we're sharing a moving post by Firesteel's first advocacy intern, Carissa Daniels. A survivor of domestic violence who experienced homelessness with her daughter, Carissa is now a strong voice for ending domestic violence and its devastating effects.

Abuse or Homelessness: An Impossible Choice

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Domestic violence survivors may stay or return to an abusive relationship for many reasons, but the number one reason is that they lack economic resources or other viable options. Our new video, the second of four we're sharing this month, explains how abusers use finances to trap their partners, in many cases forcing them to make an impossible choice between abuse and homelessness. It's up to all of us to end domestic violence and its devastating effects on women and children; find out what you can do to help.
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