Search Results for storycorps

StoryCorps phone app

The StoryCorps mobile app is very user-friendly. Image credit: StoryCorps....

PULLEN StoryCorps Desmond Pullen and Thandi Venema_Photo 1

"Up until I was about like 7 I thought that everyone basically had a home and was pretty much safe all the time," Thandi tells her grandfather, Desmond, in a StoryCorps interview. "But then I learned that some people don’t really have a home, and it made me want to do something." Image credit: StoryCorps...

Policy Matters: One in 33 Students is Homeless — At Least, That’s How Many Have Been Identified

Stephanie Heffner (left) interviewed Dinah Ladd about her job identifying and helping homeless students. Dinah is one of only two homeless education liaisons serving more than 2,100 homeless students in Seattle Public Schools. Image credit: StoryCorps
Stephanie Heffner (left) interviewed Dinah Ladd about her job identifying and helping homeless students. Dinah is one of only two homeless education liaisons serving more than 2,100 homeless students in Seattle Public Schools. Image credit: StoryCorps
...a student is experiencing homelessness? There are a number of often-subtle clues, explains Dinah Ladd in the newest interview to come out of the StoryCorps “Finding Our Way” project. A...
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