Video Podcasts

Spark Change Podcast Episode 7: Adapting to Facebook’s Algorithm Changes

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Until recently, it was easy for organizations to reach their Facebook followers with content like status updates, links and photos. Last fall, however, Facebook changed the algorithm that determines who sees that content in their News Feeds. After we noticed a decrease in the number of people who see Firesteel's posts, we did some research and experimenting to figure out how to use the network effectively. In this podcast, we talk about about boosting Facebook engagement with and without paid advertising. We also suggest ways to expand your online presence beyond Facebook.

Spark Change Podcast Episode 6: Storify

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Storify is a tool for bringing together tweets, status updates, photos and videos to tell a story. Users can search lots of social networks from one place, drag individual elements into a single storyline, and add text to give context. This winter, McKenna Haley from Seattle University’s Project on Family Homelessness used Storify to tell the story of Washington’s Housing and Homelessness Advocacy Day. We loved the way her piece came together, so we invited McKenna to talk with us about her experience with the free version of Storify.

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